80% of our work is around young people related issues, ranging from anti-social behaviour to job clubs and others. We offer end to end solutions for closed communities looking to engage young people. Although most of our work to date is with 8 to 25 year olds, we can deliver to other age groups. Our projects cover media, drama, music, sports, employability and similar.
Our consultacy services are tailor made to the requirement of our clients and we specialise in project development and fundraising for small and medium sized voluntary organisations. We also provide capacity building and social capital development services as it relates to not for profit organisations generally.
1. Managing Challenging Behaviour
This course is designed for youth workers or any one working with young people. The course is practical and uses interesting activities including role play to bring the subject to life.
2. Conflict Management Workshops for Young People
There will always be issues that young people find difficult to resolve amongst themselves without external help from their peers or adults.
The causes of conflict vary widely but the important aspect is quick intervention and resolution before it escalates. Conflicts that start inside the school often spread outside school and go on to affect the community and families of the young people.